Show Your Trees You Care

Signs That A Dangerous Tree Needs To Be Removed

Trees are beautiful, but they can also be damaging or even deadly. Depending on the health of a tree and its location, it may be a wiser choice to remove the tree rather than risk having it on your property. The following are a few signs that you are dealing with a deadly tree.

Location Problems

The health of a tree may not matter if the location is bad. Trees planted too close to the home, for example, can lead to foundation damage, or the branches can damage the roof, siding, and windows during a storm. In some cases, the location may be immediately dangerous, such as a tree that is growing into power lines or one with roots that are interfering with plumbing or even gas pipes. It's difficult to move a mature tree to a safer location, so removal may be the only option.

Root Issues

A weak root system means a tree is in danger of falling over, particularly in wet or windy weather. One sign of root problems is if the soil looks churned up around the base of the tree for no good reason -- this churning often occurs when a tree blows in the wind and nearly uproots. Leaning trees or those with mushrooms growing from the trunk could also be suffering from weakened root systems.

Crown Dieback

Occasional leaf dieback on a few branches isn't typically a concern unless the dieback becomes consistent or starts to spread throughout the canopy. Dead branches are in greater danger of falling and causing damage or injury to those below. You can have the dead branches removed if there are only a few and the problem seems isolated, but widespread dieback often indicates a fatal health problem, such as a virus or bacterial blight. First, have the tree assessed to see if the issue can be treated. If not, then removal is the safest option.

Trunk Failure

Certain symptoms of the trunk should raise concern. Deep cracks often indicate that the tree is dying and becoming less structurally sound. Peeling bark is another sign that the tree is ill and might not recover. The most immediate concern may be the development of a split trunk, particularly on a merged double-trunk tree. If the trunk is splitting apart at the crotch, at least half the tree is imminent danger of falling down.

For more help, contact a tree removal company in your area.