Show Your Trees You Care

3 Important Signs That Your Tree Is Becoming A Hazard

Have you ever given much thought to what dangers might be lurking in and around your home? Do you even know what the greatest danger might actually be? This is something that many people don't give much actual thought to. Surprisingly, one of the worst offenders for dangers might be that innocent-looking tree in your yard. If you do not care for your tree properly and you ignore the warning signs, a strong storm could send that tree crashing into one of the nearby homes, potentially even yours. Some of the warning signs that you should be looking for include:

Hollow areas: As you might already know, a normal and healthy tree is going to be solid all the way through. Unfortunately, things like termites, rot, and various other insects might get through the bark and start eating away at it from the inside. If you don't do any regular tree-trimming, it's possible that this won't be noticed until the tree is severely damaged and needs to be cut down. With sufficient warning, however, you can take steps to curtail the activity so that the tree will be saved and will be able to continue living for some time to come.

Woodpecker activity: One of the earliest signs that there might be something amiss with your tree could be that the neighborhood woodpeckers are attracted to it. Although woodpeckers sometimes communicate with one another by hammering on a tree, this is usually only done briefly and/or in one specific location. If you've got woodpeckers drilling multiple holes in your tree, don't get mad at these birds; they're just trying to get lunch. It's time to call in a service that provides tree trimming and other care to find out exactly what is infesting your tree and what you can do about it.

Leaf color: Your tree's leaves might change color and drop off during the autumn months and that's fine. What's less fine is if your tree abruptly starts changing color even in the spring and summer months. This might simply be a sign that it needs a tree trimming so that it can redirect nutrients to where they're needed or it could be something else. If there are no pests in the tree, the colors could be down to a nutrient deficiency or they could be the result of a disease that your tree has caught. Either way, you're going to need the help of a professional to diagnose the issue as quickly as possible.