Show Your Trees You Care

3 Steps You Can Take To Reduce The Tick Population On Your Property

Do you live in an area that has a lot of ticks? Are you tired of your pets getting covered in ticks even though you use flea and tick preventative products on them? Although tick medicine can work very well on dogs and cats, they can still bring in ticks from the outside. While the ticks do die eventually from the medicine, you still don't want them on your pets if you can help it. Fortunately, there are things you can do. These include the following.

Clear away vegetation: In order to get onto animals, ticks climb up onto tall grass and brush. They then wait for an unsuspecting animal to pass by and latch on when they do. The more tall grass and dead brush are around your property, the more ticks will be able to find their way onto your pets. As a result, the first step of tick control is going to be to have this vegetation cut down and removed as soon as possible. While ticks may climb trees from time to time, they will only climb a short way up the bark before heading off in search of a better location. There is no need to get rid of your trees to eliminate ticks.

Eliminate dead leaves: While leaf litter can be a great way to enrich your soil, it's simply too hazardous to leave leaf litter lying around when you are in an area with a large number of ticks. After you've cleaned up the grass and brush around, your second step towards gaining some measure of tick control is going to be to get rid of any leaf litter on your property. Ticks like to hide and live in fallen leaves, sheltering in these moist spaces until it's time to find an animal to bite. If you can't compost the leaves down quickly, you need to get someone to come to haul the leaves away for you.

Discourage animal visitors: Rodents, deer, raccoons, and so forth can all be host to ticks that can then make their way to your pet. If you're not allowed to put up fences to keep the wildlife out, you're going to have to resort to other methods. Depending on what plants are growing in your yard, you may have to remove some of them and/or plant others. For instance, a nut tree growing in your yard could bring in various rodents to eat the nuts, especially if you don't harvest all the nuts yourself. These rodents can then bring in ticks. While ticks themselves don't live in trees, your tick control plan may need to include getting rid of such a tree in order to stop rodents from visiting.

To learn more, contact a tick control company.