Show Your Trees You Care


Five Strategies For Healthy Evergreen Pruning

Evergreens provide year-round greenery and beauty to your yard, as long as they are maintained. Failing to trim the trees can result in dangerous dead wood, while also increasing the chances of disease and pests. 1) Know the Pruning Zone When trimming an evergreen, make all cuts in the area with active needle growth. This means you do not want to make a cut between th

Tree Removal In Tight Quarters

One reason some homeowners delay tree removal is because of concerns about the safety of their home. In small yards, for example, trees may grow so closely to the house that it can be hard to imagine a removal method that doesn't involve the tree falling onto the home. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can be used to remove a tree in tight quarters. Equip

Five Tree Care Tips For Fire Prone Areas

One of the joys of living in the woods is being surrounded by nature. Yet, there are some safety concerns about forest living, and one of those concerns is fires. Proper landscaping can help reduce fire danger near your home. Implement the following tree care tips to help keep your home and landscape safe during fire season. 1. Prune Out Deadwood Branches and twigs te

Five Tips To Protect Trees From Insect Pests

Something as small as an insect can destroy a large tree if you don't use caution. Fortunately, many insect problems can be avoided or quickly handled if you know the proper ways to protect your tree from pests. 1. Practice Good Cultural Care Trees suffering from drought stress or poor nutrition are more likely to be infested by insects and to succumb to the pests. Tr

Invest In Tree Removal To Get More Natural Light For Your Property

Owning a home with a lot of trees throughout the landscape is something that you may find both appealing and unappealing at the same time. While the trees may make the whole property look beautiful, especially when the flowers are blooming and the leaves are vibrant green, you may also notice that they are effective at blocking out natural light for your house and lan